Some of you may remember my post about a weekend I spent in Lake Bonaparte with Jan Phillips. I'm excited to tell you that Jan is coming to Raleigh to do a writing workshop. I would love to see some of you there! Email me at if you're interested. Here are the details:
The Word, the Image, the Story: Tools of Transformation
A workshop with author/artist/activist Jan Phillips
July 8, 2011 7:00–9:00 pm & July 9, 2011 9:00 am–3:00 pm
We are on the verge of a new era, an epochal shift from the Age of Information to an Age of Transformation. Each of us is a co-creator, a carrier of the new consciousness. The future is within us, like the oak in the acorn, and it is unfolding in the creation of our lives, our stories, our writing, and all our artistic expressions.
Like caterpillars dying to the old ways, we are readying ourselves for a quantum leap in the evolutionary journey--the realization and expression of our deepest potential. In this workshop, we'll be using music, poetry, story, and video to fire up our creative imaginations, tap into our cellular wisdom and explore new avenues for expressing ourselves as writers and poets.
• Experience the alchemy of transforming your life experience into creations that heal yourself and others
• Engage in story-telling and creative exercises that liberate your thinking and expand your consciousness
• Experience the joy of surrendering your fears and allowing Spirit to be released through you
Jan is an award-winning writer, photographer, and multi-media artist. She is the author of No Ordinary Time: The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Creativity, The Art of Original Thinking, Divining the Body, God Is at Eye Level, Marry Your Muse, and Making Peace. She has taught in over 23 countries and conducts workshops in creativity, evolutionary consciousness, and spirituality. Jan’s own quest has led her into and out of a religious community, across the U.S. on a Honda motorcycle, and around the world on a one-woman peace pilgrimage. Blending east and west, art and activism, reflection and ritual, Jan’s presentations inspire visionary thinking and social action.
Sponsored by the Resource Center for Women and Ministry in the South
Fee: $125 ($25 goes to RCWMS) checks or cash only. Lunch, drinks, and snacks included.
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