Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Man walks into a room

Get this: A man walks into a room full of people. He immediately turns about half of them off. This half swears they will not spend another minute in his presence. The other half sits around admiringly and listens to him sing and play guitar.

Get this: A man walks into a room full of people. As he talks about writing and death and finding your muse and feeling doubt and writing shitty dialogue, the people hang on to his every word. They write things down and consider putting the words on banners and hanging them where they can see them every day as they try to write something meaningful. Words from the Bible, Chekhov, Kafka, Shakespeare. Poems and prose and jokes.

Get this: A man walks into a room full of people. He reads from a book called Peace and has the people wondering when they can read more of this intriguing book. He reads a short story about a man with a face people like to pummel and a lying woman, and the people laugh out loud. He tells jokes, answers questions, finds that his upper lip is sweating because he's nervous. Gets a question he can't answer. The people fall in love.


trisha said...

Beautifully said. And you know to which half I belonged. AND you stumped the prof. Way to go!

MitMoi said...

Get this! The people who DIDN'T get it ... ain't got it in the first place.

Mamie said...

hmmm, I'll have to think about that one, Mit.