Friday, May 8, 2009

I Am Curious...

Yellow: This is the theme of Carmi's Thematic Photography this week. Today I rode my bike all over Bald Head looking for good yellows.

I went to the bath house without my camera, knowing that I would run across a good yellow thing and be sorry I didn't take it. And of course I saw this little guy on the steps. He's a stinger, but I wanted his picture badly, so I put him in a paper towel and rode like the wicked witch to get my camera. As I was nearing the dock, he started crawling creepily out of the paper and I fell off the bike I was so scared!!

The rest were taken under less duress. Enjoy!

Stay tuned: tomorrow I have to share some numbers craziness that happened on the way down, and pictures of the full moon.


Gina Eaves said...

Mamie! I'm picturing you on that bike, pedaling away, only to fall off...sounds so much like something I would do! But I don't blame you for doing so - the picture, ALL of the pictures, are great. I love reading and seeing what you are up to - it's a great way to be a part of your life, even though we don't see each other enough!

Love ya!!!

Pamela said...

I love Coreopsis!

and you can color ME yellow - as I wouldn't be picking up that little creepy crawly. heh heh!

Pamela said...

ps. Don't know how many bloggers are old enough to get your title. (:

Mamie said...

Gina, next time you slip into town, give me a call. I've always got a bottle of white chilling in the fridge and red ready to be corked. I miss you!

Pamela, I guess those that understand do, and those that don't just don't!