Saturday, October 11, 2008

Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey told us today that with things as insane as they are right now our hope is in combining sacred practice with sacred activism. Sacred practice being prayer, meditation, worship, studying spiritual texts. Sacred activism being identifying the cause that breaks our hearts and doing something to effect change around that cause.

He shook us up. He made us think. He read us poetry by Rumi and played opera and Bach. We meditated until we felt comatose. But in my lethargy tonight there is a new desire to do something good, for myself and the world.


Gina Eaves said...

You do so much that is good, dear Mamie, already. I am so blessed to have you in my life!!!

billie said...

Sounds wonderful, Mamie - I'm glad you got to enjoy the time with him.

Mamie said...

Gina, thanks for your kind words. I'm glad we're friends too.

Billie, he was amazing! And I'm glad to see that Rafer Johnson is healing nicely. That cutie pie!