Thursday, September 4, 2008


A few final pictures showing Faded.


Robin said...

Very nice shots. That wooden wall has so much character in its old boards.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I love all of your 'faded' shots. So full of character. Rich and inviting! Your images pull me in. I love the typewriter keyes, the gnarley wood, the movie theater. Good stuff!
Thanks for visiting me, Marmie.
Nice to meet you.

Oh, and I've seen Malboro Man, too.
He is easy on the eyes. ;-)

Mamie said...

Robin, I think all of us photo nuts are drawn to texture, age being the ultimate texturizer on so many levels.

Pinky, Speaking of Marlboro Man, as we say in the south, "You ain't just whistling Dixie!"

Thanks to both of you for stopping by. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other's work!

Terri said...

Love the wall....beautiful

Anonymous said...

I dig the vintage cash register picture! Lovely!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Excellent shots for the theme! Love the close up of the register. Well done!

Nestor Family said...

Hi! I love your shots for the Thematic Photographic: Faded!

And I did a shot of an old cash register, too! Very fun to see! So, I thought I would say "hello" here and tell you that your photo is wonderful!

me said...

I love the first shot, was it done in B&W, or was it just the weather?