Tuesday, September 9, 2008

If this is goodbye...

I wasn't going to let the news of the Large Hadron Collider get to me, and then at seven o'clock this morning a friend called from out of the blue. We hadn't spoken for several years--in fact I didn't know she had moved to Hawaii from Massachusetts--and we spent a while catching up. And now I'm wondering why she picked today to call. Is she worried?

All kidding aside (was I kidding?) why on earth do we need the Large Hadron Collider? Don't we have enough to spend our money on with useless wars, pork barrel demands, and raises for fat egocentric CEOs?

It would be easy to feel down that I haven't even started my bucket list or published a story or travelled to Hawaii, but I'm going to be optimistic. Want to have drinks on Thursday??

However, just in case we all head down the black rabbit hole tomorrow because of some mad scientists , let me say, it's been a blast. Um, I mean fun.


MitMoi said...

Thursday ... is the Democratic Self-Centered Mean Mommies Book Club meeting ... guess I'm going to have to miss the drinks and hope they can solve the worlds problems with the way they're raising their children. :(

ps: my verification word is "othbvz" - it means, "On the other hand, obviously"

Mamie said...

Yes, Mitty, carry on with your book club. I think we're probably safe.

Writing class is very different this semester. We have not needed the meditation timer to calm down yet!!

OTHBVZ, things could change....

Anonymous said...

Hey Mamie! Yeah...the whole Large Hadron Collider thing has me boggled. I think Bob from G105's Bob & The Showgram summed it up fairly well earlier this morning...

"Is this really necessary? The McRib just came back! Give us some time!"

I think that says it all, don't you?

Mamie said...

Goddess, I'm happy to report that they say it'll be October before we can tell the full effects of the LHC - I'm going to relax for a few days! Thanks for the laugh.