Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thematic Photography: Angles

The themes over at Carmi's are sometimes easy, like last week's Nature. This week's Angles is a little more open to interpretation.

This first photo is of a convention center in Chicago:

A little more interpretive is this photo taken with some trickery in a little remote cabin in the North Carolina mountains:

I love to take photos from the angle of sitting on the flybridge of the boat.

Here is an angled photo (another interpretation, I think) taken at the Mast General Store, also in the NC mountains.

I have lots of photos of my husband, asleep with his mouth gaping open (no drool, thank goodness) that I could have included as "angle of repose" but I chose not to. Brownie points, you know.

Great theme, Carmi. I like the ones that make me think.


Gina Eaves said...

I REALLY like the photo from Mast General Store!!!! AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics Mamie!

I say go for the "hubby in slumber" pic. I'm still waiting to get VIDEO footage of my hubby, asleep, and snoring as loud as a thousand chainsaws! I will get the footage, oh yes, I will get the footage. Hehehehe.


Mamie said...

Thanks, Gina!

Allie, I don't know about hubby, but now that I think about it, he never goes on my blog, so maybe sometime this week...?

Heather said...

I like these, but especially the one at Mast General Store ... I love that place and I love photos like this!

~Heather :)

MitMoi said...

pictures of D slumbering!
pictures of D slumbering!
pictures of D slumbering!
pictures of D slumbering!

(thank goodness I live by myself!)

I'm always odd man out - I like the first photo.

carmilevy said...

I'm blown away by the diversity and range you've chosen for this series. On a good day my brain wouldn't be able to stretch this far!

The boat shot gets me. I can almost feel what it must be like to sit there.

I'm so glad this theme has resonated - we're seeing so many incredible interpretations, yours included.

So, yes, call me wowed. And thankful.

Mojo said...

Oh the Mast Store is a photographer's dream. I've done a couple of posts on it myself. And used several photos from there in various other ways too.

Love the convention center shot. Very angular!

Odd that you should use the word "transition" in describing my singer photo. And more fitting than you could possibly have known unless you were there. (How'd you do that?)

Mamie said...

Mojo, With regard to "transitioning" I guess it was your skill behind the camera that brought that feeling to the photograph. The thing I love about places like the Mast General Store (and flea markets too) is the wealth of things that are arranged to catch the eye. I've seen some of your photographs of Mast so I know you like to photograph there. Thanks for stopping by.

me said...

so far your post has forced my mind to work the most. I think I may be happy with that

Unknown said...

I am glad! I love seeing your photos. I love the flowers, too.

My 3rd one is from the Vatican. There were lots of hallways like that...overwhelming!